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Lynne Nolan



And welcome to my website for the fund raiser in aid of the

Alzheimer Research Foundation.


My fund raising activities started in 2007 at a difficult period in

my family’s life as my Mother progressed to the advanced stages

of Alzheimer’s disease.


Those with personal experience of a loved one with this condition know all too well the associated challenges, but adding to the distress and frustration at that time was the limited treatment available, often prescribed when the disease had already taken hold and which dosage was altered or stopped in a seemingly experimental manner.


To make matters worse, a year earlier the UK government of the day, based on an appraisal by the Department of Health, was intending to stop prescribing medication in the early stages of the disease on the basis that it was not cost-effective and should be reserved for the later stages. This, despite overwhelming evidence from those with dementia, their carers and health professionals that the drug treatments were cost-effective and made a real difference to the quality of life for thousands of sufferers.


After participating in a campaign to write to British MPs asking them to reconsider this decision, I became convinced that rather than trying to persuade supposedly “cash-strapped” Ministers to part with more money, a more effective approach could be to address the root of the problem.


Around this time I learnt of the Alzheimer Research Foundation in Zellik, Belgium which grants funding to scientists to carry out vital research into Alzheimer’s disease (check the link “Foundation” for more information). But, mirroring the UK situation, the Foundation could not rely on money from the Belgian government but instead had to depend on voluntary donations from private individuals and a contribution from the King Badouin Foundation “Fonds Aline”.


Since then, I’ve had enormous fun organising small musical fund raising events at home to collect money to donate to the Foundation. To say these events have been successful is a testament to the immense generosity of my friends who have been unfailingly supportive.


But, like Topsy, things grew and this is now the 2nd event to be held at the Music Village Club which allows more guests and the opportunity to raise more money. And other opportunities are opening up as I’m offering cupcake baking classes at home as a sweet way to raise funds (check the link “Cupcake Classes” for more information).


So, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their invaluable contribution to help the Alzheimer Research Foundation achieve its most admirable and vital goals.


Best wishes,

Lynne Nolan

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