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“Research Brings Hope!”


Alzheimer's Disease is a brain disease where certain brain cells cease to function and eventually die. This results in memory loss, changes in personality, disorientation and loss of speech in patients suffering from the disease. As yet, there is no cure and methods for treatment and slowing down the process need to be researched.


The Alzheimer Research Foundation is a Belgian non-profit organization led by Wilfried Nys, with as primary goal to provide financial support for clinical and scientific research into the causes and treatment methods of Alzheimer's disease and related brain diseases. The Foundation supports standard research projects of established researchers, but also provides financing for pilot studies for young researchers and university projects that focus on the disease.


Since 1998 we supported and financed in total 96 scientific research projects for a total amount of 6.807.580 EUR ! The Foundation is solely dependent on donations and gifts from organizations and individuals.


This is why events such as the Fund Raiser at the Music Village on Sunday 15 June 2014 are so important to help the Foundation achieve its goals!


Visit their site by clicking on one of the links below.

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